Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


(Sorry I haven't written in a while)
Well I've always been a huge fan of batman and other big heroes, but I think the people who didn't used to get any credit were the sidekicks. 
Nowadays sidekicks have their own comics, and have had since the 1960's. I'm talking about the Teen Titans, originally consisting of Wonder Girl, Speedy, Kid Flash, Robin, and Aqua Lad.
Though there have been two Wonder Girls, two Speedies, two Kid Flashes, and three Robins, the titans have gained members for years. One of my favorite titans is Beast Boy.
Beast boy is a green boy with the ability to change into animals. Strangely, in the comics he has a wide love life despite being fricken green. Always there with a joke, Beast Boy lightens up sad times. I like Beast Boy mostly because his powers are mysterious. I know this because when the Teen Titans accidentally went to the future, that Beast Boy, who called himself Animal Man*, had the ability to use multiple animal powers at once. Like when Animal Man turned into a bull and used amoeba abilities and multiplied himself.  So, uh... I hope anyone reading this will try reading teen titans ( if you already haven't ).
*please note that Animal Man is already another hero and is not the one from the future of Teen Titans.  They just needed a name for future Beast Boy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009


This is my first post, so here goes.
Basically a new comic came out a month or so ago, and it mainly about Barry Allen (the second flash) coming back from the speed force, the almighty otherworldly force that lives in each super speedster. anyway, the original flash, Jay Garrick talks bout how inspirational of a hero Barry was, Wally West, his former sidekick and current flash, telling his team (besides the justice league) the original Teen Titans about what a great teacher he was. although the current kid flash, Bart Allen is angry that Barry was the only one who escaped the speed force, he is referring to Max Mercury his former master who was swallowed by the speed force. while Barry is exploring the new Flash museum he runs off to save the world. a hand jumped out of his chest and then an body. the body was Savitar an evil super speedster who was killed and swallowed into the speed force. as soon as Barry touches him he and all the super speedsters (including Iris and Jai west, Wally's kids) explode with lightning. what happens next, you may ask? read the comic